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Piers Anthony

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Quotes by Piers Anthony
 sinecure... - Piers Anthony - Quotes Donut
 Happy children do not seem to grow up to be writers.... - Piers Anthony - Quotes Donut
 Barbarian --A Code of Conduct honored by all true barbarian warriors, requiring ... - Piers Anthony - Quotes Donut
 At the time I wrote Xone I had never been on the Internet.... - Piers Anthony - Quotes Donut
 I maintain an ongoing survey of Internet Publishing and self publishing, so that... - Piers Anthony - Quotes Donut
 I think that man was half-right. He is better off out of the game - but the game... - Piers Anthony - Quotes Donut
 I have always admired the work of Phil Farmer and was glad for the chance to wor... - Piers Anthony - Quotes Donut