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Jenifer Y

Quotes Donut Author

Quotes by Jenifer Y
Taking long sleep is much better than Speaking.... - Jenifer Y - Quotes Donut
Need gap from worldly things...... - Jenifer Y - Quotes Donut
 Natal day means adding another cherry to the cake of the life...!... - Jenifer Y - Quotes Donut
 Some moments teaches the depth of peoples absence...!... - Jenifer Y - Quotes Donut
 Not all the grapes are sweet.... - Jenifer Y - Quotes Donut
 In this world, there is lots of salt people.
We need to avoid them.... - Jenifer Y - Quotes Donut
 The high fear is "Losing hope".... - Jenifer Y - Quotes Donut
 Mind never change by the time,
It's by person.... - Jenifer Y - Quotes Donut
Everything will be normal in one day.... - Jenifer Y - Quotes Donut