Qualities Quotes
 Take failure as a friend and watch how Success gets jealous... - Prezigha Fafi - Quotes Donut
 I once rescued my son from the fire, neighbors asked me if it was courage, I tol... - Prezigha Fafi - Quotes Donut
 Teach your children that honesty is the greatest virtue for them and love will f... - Prezigha Fafi - Quotes Donut
 What ever you do as a young man my child never develop the habit of  lieing.... - Prezigha Fafi - Quotes Donut
 Respect is not gotten because asked for it ,No! But it's gotten because you dese... - Prezigha Fafi - Quotes Donut
 Be grateful for being yourself
not everyone is like you.... - Nirmohi - Quotes Donut
 I'm never tired of being me.... - Nirmohi - Quotes Donut
 Promises and pie crusts were made to be broken.... - Mylija - Quotes Donut
 I can't live without My parents, 
Because my father is just like "air" for me. 
... - Neha Patel (quote lover) - Quotes Donut