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Quotes by Geetha
 If you don't take control of your life, someone else will ..... - Geetha - Quotes Donut
 In the end, only love matters.... - Geetha - Quotes Donut
 You are the Creator and the Player!... - Geetha - Quotes Donut
 Energy never ever lie.
Tune into your intuition frequency.
It speaks to you.... - Geetha - Quotes Donut
 Love can make wonders happen!... - Geetha - Quotes Donut
 I was a free bird.
But now caged into realities of life.... - Geetha - Quotes Donut
 Leave laziness and sadness in the time of adversity ; rather be fresh and courag... - Geetha - Quotes Donut
 Distance between conscious and unconscious mind is equal to distance between hum... - Geetha - Quotes Donut
 Hold on !
Take a good deep breath.
Ya now you can go .  ?... - Geetha - Quotes Donut