Vineland Quotes
 Men had it so simple. When it wasn't about Sticking It In, it was about Having T... - Thomas Pynchon - Quotes Donut
 ...trying not to get emotional but still hanging on the rearview mirror's single... - Thomas Pynchon - Quotes Donut
 life is Vegas... - Thomas Pynchon - Quotes Donut
 ...grownups acting like the worst kind of kids, kids acting like they knew what ... - Thomas Pynchon - Quotes Donut
 Just don't tell me you're in love, OK?" "Sister, I ain't even in line.... - Thomas Pynchon - Quotes Donut
 The smartest kid Justin ever met, back in kindergarten, had told him to pretend ... - Thomas Pynchon - Quotes Donut
 Here was world of simplicity and certainty no acidhead, no revolutionary anarchi... - Thomas Pynchon - Quotes Donut
 This is just how they want you, an animal, a bitch with swollen udder lying in t... - Thomas Pynchon - Quotes Donut
 Don't commit original sin. Try and let her just be.... - Thomas Pynchon - Quotes Donut