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Toni Morrison

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Quotes by Toni Morrison
 She was not only good at housekeeping, she enjoyed it. After her parents left fo... - Toni Morrison - Quotes Donut
 Writing is really a way of thinking--not just feeling but thinking about things ... - Toni Morrison - Quotes Donut
 If there is somebody with bluer eyes than mine, then maybe there is somebody wit... - Toni Morrison - Quotes Donut
 You are nothing but wilderness. No constraint. No mind.  You shout the word—mind... - Toni Morrison - Quotes Donut
 ...some advice about how to keep on with a brain greedy for news nobody could li... - Toni Morrison - Quotes Donut
 Maybe that was love. Choking sounds and silence.... - Toni Morrison - Quotes Donut
 Things got better but I still had to be careful. Very careful in how I raised he... - Toni Morrison - Quotes Donut
 Beloved You are my sister You are my daughter You are my face; you are me I have... - Toni Morrison - Quotes Donut
 It was not death or dying that frightened him, but the unexpectedness of both. I... - Toni Morrison - Quotes Donut