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Mark Kurlansky

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Quotes by Mark Kurlansky
 In nineteenth-century Russia, sauerkraut was valued more than caviar,... - Mark Kurlansky - Quotes Donut
 International League of Peace and Freedom, was formed in 1867 in Geneva. Its... - Mark Kurlansky - Quotes Donut
 Literary Teas are constantly in a state of flux. The uninitiated gravitates towa... - Mark Kurlansky - Quotes Donut
 When these early settlers hunted, they would leave red herring along their trail... - Mark Kurlansky - Quotes Donut
 A modern revolutionary group, explained Abbie Hoffman, headed for the television... - Mark Kurlansky - Quotes Donut
 nonviolent force is a moral argument. The lesson is that if the nonviolent side ... - Mark Kurlansky - Quotes Donut
 It takes two years for the salt to reach the center of a wheel of Parmigiano-Reg... - Mark Kurlansky - Quotes Donut
 the longer wars last, the less popular they become.... - Mark Kurlansky - Quotes Donut
 In the first century A.D., Pliny estimated that the average Roman citizen consum... - Mark Kurlansky - Quotes Donut