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John Irving

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Quotes by John Irving
 Hardy’s The Mayor of Casterbridge.... - John Irving - Quotes Donut
 We will often do anything to pretend that nothing is on our minds.... - John Irving - Quotes Donut
 Lemties neįmanoma įžvelgti, nebent jei sapnuoji ar esi apsvaigęs iš meilės.... - John Irving - Quotes Donut
 The way you remember or dream about your loved ones - the ones who are gone - yo... - John Irving - Quotes Donut
 Homer Wells, listening to Big Dot Taft, felt like her voice – dulled. Wally was ... - John Irving - Quotes Donut
 He hadn’t known many British, but some of them seemed crazy to him, and so it se... - John Irving - Quotes Donut
 Someone who hasn't read a novel doesn't really know what it's about, William.... - John Irving - Quotes Donut
 You'd better hope they're not checking chromosomes at the door.... - John Irving - Quotes Donut
 He wanted to take Homer Wells in his arms, and hug him, and kiss him, but he cou... - John Irving - Quotes Donut