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H.W. Brands

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Quotes by H.W. Brands
 The first 10 days of a cattle drive were the most critical, as a stampede was mo... - H.W. Brands - Quotes Donut
 He understood the code of his social class enough to affect an air of indifferen... - H.W. Brands - Quotes Donut
 These are the boys of Pointe du Hoc. These are the men who took the cliffs. Thes... - H.W. Brands - Quotes Donut
 Time after time during the next six months, he would put me together again.... - H.W. Brands - Quotes Donut
 He was not a warm person, but he seemed to be, which in politics was more import... - H.W. Brands - Quotes Donut
 One of George H. W. Bush's early teachers at Andover wrote, "At the moment he is... - H.W. Brands - Quotes Donut
 It was a typical point, made in typical style, mixing pride and humility.... - H.W. Brands - Quotes Donut
 The very lack of explicit pressure was itself a compelling force, for it created... - H.W. Brands - Quotes Donut
 He (the immigrant father) would walk by proxy in the Elysian fields of liberal l... - H.W. Brands - Quotes Donut