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Tre Jermaine Adderley

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Quotes by Tre Jermaine Adderley
 Theres a very thin line between CONFIDENT and COCKY!
Tread with caution... - Tre Jermaine Adderley - Quotes Donut
 In order to WIN in this games of life you must first know the rules !... - Tre Jermaine Adderley - Quotes Donut
 Some love success others love the thought of being successful..... - Tre Jermaine Adderley - Quotes Donut
 Keep growing the dead leaves fall off in their season... - Tre Jermaine Adderley - Quotes Donut
 We are all born with WORTH! Its up to you to add VALUE !... - Tre Jermaine Adderley - Quotes Donut
 "Y.O.D.O....You Only Die Once....
We LIVE EVERYDAY! "... - Tre Jermaine Adderley - Quotes Donut
 "You will never EVOLVE if your mindset is stuck on REVOLVE"... - Tre Jermaine Adderley - Quotes Donut
 "You're in bad shape because you have a lot of SQUARES in your CIRCLE!... - Tre Jermaine Adderley - Quotes Donut
 "This world is sphere not fair "... - Tre Jermaine Adderley - Quotes Donut