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sumaiya Aafaq khan

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Quotes by sumaiya Aafaq khan
 "I lost,
Because I let my desires rule,
While letting my dreams to loose..!!"... - sumaiya Aafaq khan - Quotes Donut
 "Sometimes what you need,
Is only a hand which can help you;
To start again...!!... - sumaiya Aafaq khan - Quotes Donut
 "No emotions I felt,
While leaving you all alone by yourself;
Just a voice I hea... - sumaiya Aafaq khan - Quotes Donut
 "Though you are falling,
Still keep believing;
Cause it's not the end,
But the s... - sumaiya Aafaq khan - Quotes Donut
 "Every truth is a lie 
Before you decide to make it a truth 
And not to live wit... - sumaiya Aafaq khan - Quotes Donut