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Quotes by Blinkles
 It's ok if you are what you are and not what you wanted to be...Keep Working cau... - Blinkles - Quotes Donut
 If you know that there was more than one step and you could have reached  Succes... - Blinkles - Quotes Donut
 If you know the factors which you are weak and need to improve to achieve someth... - Blinkles - Quotes Donut
 It is not always necessary that the topper is intelligent.. Maybe just a good pa... - Blinkles - Quotes Donut
 Live in the Present... So that You can Forget your Past and even your old age ca... - Blinkles - Quotes Donut
 You Should not care what people say. 
Believe in yourself. "You Can and You Will... - Blinkles - Quotes Donut
 You "Can" when you are working hard each time and Let ur "Will" replace the can.... - Blinkles - Quotes Donut