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Macniel Deelman

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Quotes by Macniel Deelman
 Life gets easier when you do what you need to do and even tho they doesn't expec... - Macniel Deelman - Quotes Donut
 Life isn't always easy but it all depends on your choices and the people you roc... - Macniel Deelman - Quotes Donut
 Sometimes words can't describe the feeling of pain.... - Macniel Deelman - Quotes Donut
 Don't show what you feel nowadays some can see what you think.... - Macniel Deelman - Quotes Donut
 I have the inability to love you forever no matter how beatable the obstacles ca... - Macniel Deelman - Quotes Donut
 Complains comes from laziness.... - Macniel Deelman - Quotes Donut
 Disappointments comes from bad moves and allowing 'NO' to stop you.... - Macniel Deelman - Quotes Donut
 You have to think makro while all the people move mikro.
People that move mikro ... - Macniel Deelman - Quotes Donut
 Just because you are broke doesn't mean it can't be fixed.... - Macniel Deelman - Quotes Donut