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Lovelace Quotes

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Quotes by Lovelace Quotes
 Create a legacy that no one will lives on forever.... - Lovelace Quotes - Quotes Donut
 Stick to things that are most beneficial to your well-being.... - Lovelace Quotes - Quotes Donut
 Everyday is a new test...get ready to face your challenges... - Lovelace Quotes - Quotes Donut
 Motivation comes from being your first motivator is everything.... - Lovelace Quotes - Quotes Donut
 Disloyalty creates a massive impact on your future trust.... - Lovelace Quotes - Quotes Donut
 Associate yourself with people with big dreams... - Lovelace Quotes - Quotes Donut
 Progress isn’t a one day thing...but its either now or never.... - Lovelace Quotes - Quotes Donut
 Money will never control my loyalty.Never!... - Lovelace Quotes - Quotes Donut
 The goal is not to rent a car...its to own one....manifest and believe.... - Lovelace Quotes - Quotes Donut