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Wynton Marsalis

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Quotes by Wynton Marsalis
 Don't wish for someone else to do later what you can do now.... - Wynton Marsalis - Quotes Donut
 When I first came to New York everybody on the scene would treat me like I could... - Wynton Marsalis - Quotes Donut
 My older brother and myself always played together in bands, but we never knew w... - Wynton Marsalis - Quotes Donut
 I feel like a lot of the fundamental material, I've assimilated. So now the ... - Wynton Marsalis - Quotes Donut
 We looked up to our father. He still is much greater than us.... - Wynton Marsalis - Quotes Donut
 Whenever you face a man who's playing your instrument, there's a competi... - Wynton Marsalis - Quotes Donut