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Willie Aames

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Quotes by Willie Aames
 I'm cleaning toilets for $30 a day, because I needed that $30, and people ar... - Willie Aames - Quotes Donut
 I had never really pictured myself working in children's ministries. I alway... - Willie Aames - Quotes Donut
 I remember thinking, That's what I need - and that hope was in Jesus Christ.... - Willie Aames - Quotes Donut
 It's easy to be led astray when you're so broken. People take advantage ... - Willie Aames - Quotes Donut
 Pray for your mate. Ask God to soften your heart and show you ways to be a bette... - Willie Aames - Quotes Donut
 They did interviews with my wife and daughter-they were genuinely in fear of me ... - Willie Aames - Quotes Donut