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Tom Clancy

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Quotes by Tom Clancy
 Probably what pushed the Russians over the edge was SDI. They realized they coul... - Tom Clancy - Quotes Donut
 Brian had been killed the year before on a Campus black op in Libya. Dom had bee... - Tom Clancy - Quotes Donut
 Books and movies are different art forms with different rules. And because of th... - Tom Clancy - Quotes Donut
 The assistant commander at any post is supposed to be a ruthless son of a bitch.... - Tom Clancy - Quotes Donut
 The allocation of research money was a political act.... - Tom Clancy - Quotes Donut
 A bureaucrat who said no to everything rarely got in trouble.... - Tom Clancy - Quotes Donut
 Marine.” Say the word to any American, and you can count on a strong reaction.... - Tom Clancy - Quotes Donut
 Ladies and gentlemen, it is not the job of government to be the national nanny. ... - Tom Clancy - Quotes Donut
 the only difference between a wise man and a fool was in the magnitude of his mi... - Tom Clancy - Quotes Donut