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Quotes by Stanley
 Wisdom is a spirit that is friendly to people, but she will not forgive anyone w... - Stanley - Quotes Donut
 Do not bring on your own death by sinful actions. GOD did not invent death, and ... - Stanley - Quotes Donut
 Wisdom shines bright and never grows dim, those who love her and look for her ca... - Stanley - Quotes Donut
 Wisdom begins when you sincerely want to learn. to desire wisdom is to love her... - Stanley - Quotes Donut
 To fasten your attention on wisdom is to gain perfect understanding... - Stanley - Quotes Donut
 The spirit of wisdom is intelligent and holy. It is of one nature but reveals it... - Stanley - Quotes Donut
 The LORD hates it when wicked people offer him sacrifices, especially if they do... - Stanley - Quotes Donut
 The wicked are doomed by their own violence, they refuse to do what is right... - Stanley - Quotes Donut
 Plan carefully and you will have plenty, if you act too quickly, you will never ... - Stanley - Quotes Donut