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Spencer Johnson

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Quotes by Spencer Johnson
 The Present Is Not The Past And It Is Not The Future. The Present Is The Present... - Spencer Johnson - Quotes Donut
 Smell The Cheese Often So You Know When It Is Getting Old Sometime... - Spencer Johnson - Quotes Donut
 Ако забелязваш от рано малките промени, това ще ти помогне да се адаптираш към п... - Spencer Johnson - Quotes Donut
 What Would You Do If You Weren’t Afraid? He... - Spencer Johnson - Quotes Donut
 When You Move beyond Your Fear, You Feel Free... - Spencer Johnson - Quotes Donut
 Integrity is telling myself the truth. And honesty is telling the truth to other... - Spencer Johnson - Quotes Donut
 He was taking control, rather than simply letting things happen to him. Then... - Spencer Johnson - Quotes Donut
 You Cannot Always Control External Events, But You Can Control Your Personal Pea... - Spencer Johnson - Quotes Donut
 Look At How You Feel About What Happened In The Past. Learn Something Valuable F... - Spencer Johnson - Quotes Donut