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Shania Twain

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Quotes by Shania Twain
 I was in a very deep, dark slump, and I needed to find a way to get myself out o... - Shania Twain - Quotes Donut
 I temporarily lost my hope in love, and it was temporary, thank goodness.... - Shania Twain - Quotes Donut
 I'm more private than people realize. I'm not that easy to get to know.... - Shania Twain - Quotes Donut
 I'm never at my best on television. There's a row of cameras between you... - Shania Twain - Quotes Donut
 My father was a beautiful man.... - Shania Twain - Quotes Donut
 If my clothing does stand out, then I guess it's a compliment, but I just we... - Shania Twain - Quotes Donut
 Marilyn Monroe never sold a platinum album. And more people know my music than w... - Shania Twain - Quotes Donut