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Roy Ayers

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Quotes by Roy Ayers
 Most artists have contracts directly with the record company, and when they do m... - Roy Ayers - Quotes Donut
 I generally sell my records online or at the show. You can undersell the distrib... - Roy Ayers - Quotes Donut
 Back in the day, I used to be in the studio recording 20 hours a day. And that w... - Roy Ayers - Quotes Donut
 I don't like rap that you can't understand. The youth is so quick and al... - Roy Ayers - Quotes Donut
 Some people really trip on success or popularity. My friends would talk to me ab... - Roy Ayers - Quotes Donut
 Having good health, being able to breathe and be happy, that's one of the mo... - Roy Ayers - Quotes Donut
 I think music all the time.... - Roy Ayers - Quotes Donut
 The true beauty of music is that it connects people. It carries a message, and w... - Roy Ayers - Quotes Donut