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Ricky Williams

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Quotes by Ricky Williams
 I'm closer to being happy. I'm doing things that make me happy. In footb... - Ricky Williams - Quotes Donut
 I feel no need and have no desire to give any attention to other people's op... - Ricky Williams - Quotes Donut
 In therapy, I see myself in the mirror differently.... - Ricky Williams - Quotes Donut
 I like to live in places that are kind of off in the cuts so people can't re... - Ricky Williams - Quotes Donut
 I realized a while back that I have an innate ability to be compassionate, and I... - Ricky Williams - Quotes Donut
 There is no need to smear my name or to defame my character for the sake of news... - Ricky Williams - Quotes Donut