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Ralph Bakshi

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Quotes by Ralph Bakshi
 Film has to describe and show.... - Ralph Bakshi - Quotes Donut
 My good films were independent and my bad films were not.... - Ralph Bakshi - Quotes Donut
 Disney had such a hold on the mind of America-they were Adolf Hitler. The whole ... - Ralph Bakshi - Quotes Donut
 All the old great companies were run by guys who knew what an animator meant, an... - Ralph Bakshi - Quotes Donut
 What's most important in animation is the emotions and the ideas being portr... - Ralph Bakshi - Quotes Donut
 You can't second-guess yourself as a filmmaker.... - Ralph Bakshi - Quotes Donut
 I'm having the same problems today that I had when I first started, saying t... - Ralph Bakshi - Quotes Donut