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Patricia Cornwell

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Quotes by Patricia Cornwell
 I've had people turn up to book signings with knives, with guns.... - Patricia Cornwell - Quotes Donut
 I dropped chemistry. I practically blew up the lab in college.... - Patricia Cornwell - Quotes Donut
 If you chomp down too hard on my work, you're going to break your teeth.... - Patricia Cornwell - Quotes Donut
 I stop working at about 3 p.m. on Fridays.... - Patricia Cornwell - Quotes Donut
 On the last morning of Virginia's bloodiest year since the Civil War, I buil... - Patricia Cornwell - Quotes Donut
 If everybody, every day, would try to do one thing that pulls them beyond themse... - Patricia Cornwell - Quotes Donut
 But when I was a little kid, I was always writing stories and illustrating littl... - Patricia Cornwell - Quotes Donut