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Nicholas Lea

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Quotes by Nicholas Lea
 It makes you realise that people are the same wherever you go.... - Nicholas Lea - Quotes Donut
 Two shows at once is crazy, but I love it.... - Nicholas Lea - Quotes Donut
 We went to the British Museum, and I was looking up my family in the books - pag... - Nicholas Lea - Quotes Donut
 I wanted more in depth ideas about the character and it never came.... - Nicholas Lea - Quotes Donut
 So, I completely and utterly support David and Gillian's decision to go to L... - Nicholas Lea - Quotes Donut
 When you're doing a series like this, you're constantly looking for new ... - Nicholas Lea - Quotes Donut
 At Christmas, 'It's a Wonderful Life' makes me cry in exactly the sa... - Nicholas Lea - Quotes Donut
 We both have a great loyalty to it, and I think that it's important to give ... - Nicholas Lea - Quotes Donut
 I think everyone has some fascination with what's outside our existence. It&... - Nicholas Lea - Quotes Donut