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Matt Ridley

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Quotes by Matt Ridley
 homini lupus’, said Plautus. ‘Man is a wolf to man.... - Matt Ridley - Quotes Donut
 How much more generous it would be if, instead of writing parables about childho... - Matt Ridley - Quotes Donut
 In a massive, long-term study of 17,000 civil servants, an almost unbelievable c... - Matt Ridley - Quotes Donut
 as Isaiah Berlin put it, ‘disregard for the preferences and interests of individ... - Matt Ridley - Quotes Donut
 TP53 seems to encode the greater good, like a suicide pill in the mouth of a sol... - Matt Ridley - Quotes Donut
 Sex is not about reproduc-tion, gender is not about males and females, courtship... - Matt Ridley - Quotes Donut
 Fundamentally, other animals do not do barter.... - Matt Ridley - Quotes Donut
 Far from being choosy, female primates seemed to be initiators of much promiscui... - Matt Ridley - Quotes Donut
 in a sorry world there is no safety to be found in standing still.... - Matt Ridley - Quotes Donut