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Kaveesha Singhabahu

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Quotes by Kaveesha Singhabahu
 If the road is 
can't get the kick of a

wild a... - Kaveesha Singhabahu - Quotes Donut
 All upside down,
Corona you are amazing,
you completely changed our lives,
Previ... - Kaveesha Singhabahu - Quotes Donut
 I can be a cctv to protect my love,
no one never can look at him
his only mine..... - Kaveesha Singhabahu - Quotes Donut
 love is like an egg white, forms to a chick by eating the yolk of feelings, emot... - Kaveesha Singhabahu - Quotes Donut
 books are the brave kids of trees... - Kaveesha Singhabahu - Quotes Donut