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Kōbō Abe

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Quotes by Kōbō Abe
 I can hardly believe that the face is so important to a man's existence. A man's... - Kōbō Abe - Quotes Donut
 When will you ever accept the true ugliness of health?... - Kōbō Abe - Quotes Donut
 When I look at small things, I think I shall go on living: drops of rain, leathe... - Kōbō Abe - Quotes Donut
 Something whose connection with human experience we cannot grasp is bound to be ... - Kōbō Abe - Quotes Donut
 The torment of imprisonment lies in not being able to escape from oneself at any... - Kōbō Abe - Quotes Donut
 What in heaven's name was the real essence of this beauty? Was it the precision ... - Kōbō Abe - Quotes Donut