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John Banville

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Quotes by John Banville
 Lots of water under that bridge, let’s not drown ourselves in it.... - John Banville - Quotes Donut
 He made the mistake of imagining that his possessions were a measure of his own ... - John Banville - Quotes Donut
 Perhaps it was the flabby stink of seared flesh that was making me feel peculiar... - John Banville - Quotes Donut
 Happy sadness, sad happiness, the story of my life and loves... - John Banville - Quotes Donut
 And anyway, who’s to say that what we see when we’re drunk is not reality, and t... - John Banville - Quotes Donut
 The steel kettle shone, a slow furl of steam at its spout, vaguely suggestive of... - John Banville - Quotes Donut
 It is a true pleasure to live in a century in which such great events take place... - John Banville - Quotes Donut
 At thee seaside all is narrow horizontals, the world reduced to a few long strai... - John Banville - Quotes Donut
 Remember what April was like when we were young, that sense of liquid rushing an... - John Banville - Quotes Donut