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Jerry Saltz

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Quotes by Jerry Saltz
 A lot of people still think caring about clothes is a dubious, unserious, frivol... - Jerry Saltz - Quotes Donut
 I see 30 to 40 gallery shows a week, and no matter what kind of mood I'm in,... - Jerry Saltz - Quotes Donut
 Outside museums, in noisy public squares, people look at people. Inside museums,... - Jerry Saltz - Quotes Donut
 Recessions are hard on people, but they are not hard on art.... - Jerry Saltz - Quotes Donut
 Contrary to popular opinion, things don't go stale particularly fast in the ... - Jerry Saltz - Quotes Donut
 The art gods cooked up something special for James Ensor.... - Jerry Saltz - Quotes Donut
 Megacollectors suppose they can enter art history by spending astronomical amoun... - Jerry Saltz - Quotes Donut