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Jacqueline Carey

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Quotes by Jacqueline Carey
 in the arts of covertcy, it is death to second-guess oneself.... - Jacqueline Carey - Quotes Donut
 And for a price, I will pretend absolutely nothing.... - Jacqueline Carey - Quotes Donut
 There's more to clothing than just adornment. It does more than merely change ho... - Jacqueline Carey - Quotes Donut
 For every victory," Necthana whispered, her great dark eyes shining with a mothe... - Jacqueline Carey - Quotes Donut
 One must gauge one's trust carefully.... - Jacqueline Carey - Quotes Donut
 Are you a minor character in my tale, or am I a lesser figure in yours?... - Jacqueline Carey - Quotes Donut
 I wanted it, I wanted it all. All the ardent beginnings and the confused between... - Jacqueline Carey - Quotes Donut
 Never before had I used my service to escape any woes that troubled me, but I di... - Jacqueline Carey - Quotes Donut
 Quando l'Amore mi ha scacciata, è stata la Crudeltà ad avere pietà di me.... - Jacqueline Carey - Quotes Donut