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Ivan Reitman

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Quotes by Ivan Reitman
 I remember when first, Stripes, and then Animal House came out - which I was rea... - Ivan Reitman - Quotes Donut
 It's been about 15 years, and I've never really worked seriously in CGI ... - Ivan Reitman - Quotes Donut
 In many ways, I think that, while we've been remarkably violent in our media... - Ivan Reitman - Quotes Donut
 Also watching a movie on DVD is different than watching it in the theater.... - Ivan Reitman - Quotes Donut
 I never like to do parodies. I never do. It's just not my style of comedy.... - Ivan Reitman - Quotes Donut
 I always see things that I can improve. But frankly with Stripes, I'm surpri... - Ivan Reitman - Quotes Donut
 My sense is, I think it's okay for directors to do movies that speak to othe... - Ivan Reitman - Quotes Donut