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Howard Zinn

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Quotes by Howard Zinn
 Any humane and reasonable person must conclude that if the ends, however desirea... - Howard Zinn - Quotes Donut
 Percy Bysshe Shelley’s “Mask of Anarchy.” . . . “Rise like lions after slumber I... - Howard Zinn - Quotes Donut
 Racism was becoming more and more practical.... - Howard Zinn - Quotes Donut
 Small acts, when multiplied by millions of people,can transform the world.... - Howard Zinn - Quotes Donut
 strange big boat. When Columbus and his sailors came ashore, carrying swords, sp... - Howard Zinn - Quotes Donut
 I’ll never forget that day.” It confirmed what I learned from my Spelman years, ... - Howard Zinn - Quotes Donut
 Why will you take by force what you may have quietly by love? Why will you destr... - Howard Zinn - Quotes Donut
 No doubt the odds are against dissenters in any nation’s judicial system. But hu... - Howard Zinn - Quotes Donut
 In Maryland, for instance, by the new constitution of 1776, to run for governor ... - Howard Zinn - Quotes Donut