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Haruki Murakami

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Quotes by Haruki Murakami
 I wonder what either of us knows about love. Our love has never been tested.... - Haruki Murakami - Quotes Donut
 Dentro de mi, alguien, algo, se irá. Con la mirada baja, sin una palabra.... - Haruki Murakami - Quotes Donut
 It seemed to her that almost everything she possessed had its roots sunk in that... - Haruki Murakami - Quotes Donut
 It's like the Tibetan Wheel of the Passions. As the wheel turns, the values and ... - Haruki Murakami - Quotes Donut
 Si possono seppellire i ricordi ma non si può cambiare il corso della storia... - Haruki Murakami - Quotes Donut
 Por algún motivo, las palabras adecuadas siempre llegan demasiado tarde.... - Haruki Murakami - Quotes Donut
 Pain is inevitable. Suffering is optional. Say... - Haruki Murakami - Quotes Donut
 When I write about a 15-year old, I jump, I return to the days when I was that a... - Haruki Murakami - Quotes Donut
 the mind is lost when the shadow dies.... - Haruki Murakami - Quotes Donut