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George Steiner

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Quotes by George Steiner
 The journalistic vision sharpens to the point of maximum impact every event, eve... - George Steiner - Quotes Donut
 No phonetic sign, except at a rudimentary, strictly speaking pre-linguistic leve... - George Steiner - Quotes Donut
 Los idiolectos del pensamiento, las privacidades de lo no dicho son de un orden ... - George Steiner - Quotes Donut
 We speak in (rich) monotones. Our poetry is haunted by the music it has left beh... - George Steiner - Quotes Donut
 Mentre [il lettore] legge, la sua esistenza si accorcia. La sua lettura è un ane... - George Steiner - Quotes Donut
 The inception of human consciousness, the genesis of awareness, must have entail... - George Steiner - Quotes Donut
 when a language dies, a way of understanding the world dies with it, a way of lo... - George Steiner - Quotes Donut