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Frank Wedekind

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Quotes by Frank Wedekind
 Ihr üppiges, weniges, rabenschwarzes Haar trug Simba tief über die Schläfen hera... - Frank Wedekind - Quotes Donut
 I read your explanation.——It fell at my feet during the first vacation days. I w... - Frank Wedekind - Quotes Donut
 Monuments are for the living, not for the dead.... - Frank Wedekind - Quotes Donut
 We see God and the devil making fools of each other, and we nurture in ourselves... - Frank Wedekind - Quotes Donut
 I didn't ask to be born, and I don't owe God anything.... - Frank Wedekind - Quotes Donut
 Monuments are for the living, not the dead.... - Frank Wedekind - Quotes Donut