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Fiona Apple

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Quotes by Fiona Apple
 But I honestly don't read critics. My dad reads absolutely everything ever w... - Fiona Apple - Quotes Donut
 Nothing that you do will ever feel good if you let people convince you that you ... - Fiona Apple - Quotes Donut
 I'm here because of what I write. Obviously, I must know something.... - Fiona Apple - Quotes Donut
 I don't know if anybody wants to mix their politics with their entertainment... - Fiona Apple - Quotes Donut
 For me, the best times are always going to be the most intense, the ones with th... - Fiona Apple - Quotes Donut
 I got into therapy in the fifth grade because I said in a sarcastic way that I w... - Fiona Apple - Quotes Donut
 There aren't many poster children for cool angst. Everybody thinks it's ... - Fiona Apple - Quotes Donut
 I was so self-critical. I still am, but it's not as bad anymore.... - Fiona Apple - Quotes Donut
 I know what my job is: I write the songs, I sing them, I play them on the piano.... - Fiona Apple - Quotes Donut