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Eddie Vedder

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Quotes by Eddie Vedder
 I just have this deep kind of connection to reality of being like... in a way, I... - Eddie Vedder - Quotes Donut
 You know, rock stardom... I have a hard time discussing that because I don't... - Eddie Vedder - Quotes Donut
 There's a lot of bands that get to a certain level, and it just stops. They ... - Eddie Vedder - Quotes Donut
 It's an art to live with pain... mix the light into gray.... - Eddie Vedder - Quotes Donut
 So my one kid's 4, my other kid's 4 months, I'm 44, Barack Obama is ... - Eddie Vedder - Quotes Donut
 Playing music for as long as I had been playing music and then getting a shot at... - Eddie Vedder - Quotes Donut