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David Foster Wallace

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Quotes by David Foster Wallace
 bilateral illusion of unilateral attention... - David Foster Wallace - Quotes Donut
 I want to tell you,' the voice on the phone said. 'My head is filled with things... - David Foster Wallace - Quotes Donut
 This argument is not the barrel of drugged trout that Methodological Descriptivi... - David Foster Wallace - Quotes Donut
 OCCIDERE POSSUNT SED TE EDERE NON POSSUNT NEFAS EST 32—and... - David Foster Wallace - Quotes Donut
 Francophones are never impressed that anyone else can speak French.... - David Foster Wallace - Quotes Donut
 It is named the "Web" for good reason.... - David Foster Wallace - Quotes Donut
 A U.S. of modern A. where the State is not a team or a code, but a sort of slopp... - David Foster Wallace - Quotes Donut
 Our leaders, our government is us, all of us, so if they’re venal and weak it’s ... - David Foster Wallace - Quotes Donut
 I wish you way more than luck.... - David Foster Wallace - Quotes Donut