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Chuck Schumer

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Quotes by Chuck Schumer
 Middle class people, I think they realize that Romney is not for them because of... - Chuck Schumer - Quotes Donut
 Soft money will find its way and seep into the political system and corrode it, ... - Chuck Schumer - Quotes Donut
 In today's competitive economy, to stand still is to die.... - Chuck Schumer - Quotes Donut
 Let me say this, to all of the chattering class that so much focuses on those li... - Chuck Schumer - Quotes Donut
 I respect people who feel things passionately. I do. But when someone is a judge... - Chuck Schumer - Quotes Donut
 Inaction is perhaps the greatest mistake of all.... - Chuck Schumer - Quotes Donut
 You have to show Israel that it's not going to be forced to do things it doe... - Chuck Schumer - Quotes Donut
 Well, I think it's too early to call Fallujah a failure.... - Chuck Schumer - Quotes Donut