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Christopher Atkins

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Quotes by Christopher Atkins
 There are times when directors just don't know what they're doing.... - Christopher Atkins - Quotes Donut
 It's only in the United States that they make a big deal about nudity.... - Christopher Atkins - Quotes Donut
 Let me tell you something: if you're on an island for three and a half month... - Christopher Atkins - Quotes Donut
 Larry Hagman was a huge star, and he was carrying my stuff for me.... - Christopher Atkins - Quotes Donut
 We also shot at a location that was an Aboriginal sacred ground for the shots co... - Christopher Atkins - Quotes Donut
 I think the United States is way behind the times.... - Christopher Atkins - Quotes Donut
 I truly, truly believe that I was going in that direction and all of a sudden fa... - Christopher Atkins - Quotes Donut