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Arnold Bennett

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Quotes by Arnold Bennett
 I will never cease advising my friends and enemies to read poetry before anythin... - Arnold Bennett - Quotes Donut
 The second suggestion is to think as well as to read. I know people who read and... - Arnold Bennett - Quotes Donut
 Jane Austen? I feel that I am approaching dangerous ground. The reputation of Ja... - Arnold Bennett - Quotes Donut
 The artist who is too sensitive for contacts with the non-artistic world is ther... - Arnold Bennett - Quotes Donut
 The most important preliminary to the task of arranging one's life so that one m... - Arnold Bennett - Quotes Donut
 Having once decided to achieve a certain task, achieve it at all costs of tedium... - Arnold Bennett - Quotes Donut
 You can only waste the passing moment. You cannot waste to-morrow; it is kept fo... - Arnold Bennett - Quotes Donut
 Pessimism, when you get used to it, is just as agreeable as optimism.... - Arnold Bennett - Quotes Donut
 One of the chief things which my typical man has to learn is that the mental fac... - Arnold Bennett - Quotes Donut