Written By Cake brother
You looked at me as if I were you mirror But no I am not. Then you ran an I was like You forgot your mirror. But little did I know you wanted this antique to take over Where you had left off. You see the mystery of the mirror is that it has been in our family for years. And all who hold it have died. Crazy but it's that thing the mirror a king owned it once and the people of the time back then haunted him through that mirror. Why is unknown but today. Many have looked at it then been in car accidents train accidents oh the list rose on. But you ran me off the rode. When you were not successful you sent this mirror as a gift to my home from a friend. Oh why was I listed in the phone book. Then I brought the mirror in my home. But I did not look in it others did who visited me. Friends lovers and strangers who parted hard and always wanted to check on there fashion but I never looked thank goodness if I had I would have been a memory just involved and some one else would be telling you my story. So I call help a holy painter and he paints over that instrument of death a beautiful painting. But the mirror is smart it fell on the rug while wet an wiped the paint off. And then disappeared the next day and now it's out there somewhere oh what a tangled weird story this is about a lost item.Download
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