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Sumit Kumar

Quotes Donut Author

Quotes by Sumit Kumar
 "Try to become perfect 
Is better
Unemployment....... - Sumit Kumar - Quotes Donut
 "There was no love 
There was no affection 
But we still try to get a direction.... - Sumit Kumar - Quotes Donut
 ''Emotions are the packages 
To earn something.......... - Sumit Kumar - Quotes Donut
 ""I m not dead on that time when my soul is far away from me....
I m dead on tha... - Sumit Kumar - Quotes Donut
 "I am not alive because of my heart''
""I am alive because u always with me........ - Sumit Kumar - Quotes Donut
 ""I am not alive because of my heart,,
I am alive because u always with me......... - Sumit Kumar - Quotes Donut
 "Nothing to be represent 
My past is still wait".... - Sumit Kumar - Quotes Donut
 "I Donna want to tell u everytime  that l love U
Because words are not enough Fo... - Sumit Kumar - Quotes Donut