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Winston Graham

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Quotes by Winston Graham
 Do you believe we are masters of ourselves, or merely dance like puppets on stri... - Winston Graham - Quotes Donut
 Everything at the moment, my dear, no doubt seems disgusting. I know the mood to... - Winston Graham - Quotes Donut
 Instead this room which had seen her grow to maturity would see her dry up and f... - Winston Graham - Quotes Donut
 Demelza said: ‘It seems to me no man is wise enough if the woman is not wise eno... - Winston Graham - Quotes Donut
 I have been under considerable pressure to buy at least a laptop computer. I hav... - Winston Graham - Quotes Donut
 Children in their youth blossomed and bloomed; then chance, inclination, heredit... - Winston Graham - Quotes Donut
 Give me the comma of imperfect striving, thus to find zest in the immediate livi... - Winston Graham - Quotes Donut
 Ill usage makes the sweetest of us vicious.... - Winston Graham - Quotes Donut
 People might think it lonely living on my own nearly all the time, but I never f... - Winston Graham - Quotes Donut