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Walter Bagehot

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Quotes by Walter Bagehot
 Dullness in matters of government is a good sign, and not a bad one - in particu... - Walter Bagehot - Quotes Donut
 It is often said that men are ruled by their imaginations; but it would be truer... - Walter Bagehot - Quotes Donut
 A great pleasure in life is doing what people say you cannot do.... - Walter Bagehot - Quotes Donut
 The habit of common and continuous speech is a symptom of mental deficiency. It ... - Walter Bagehot - Quotes Donut
 A family on the throne is an interesting idea. It brings down the pride of sover... - Walter Bagehot - Quotes Donut
 So long as war is the main business of nations, temporary despotism - despotism ... - Walter Bagehot - Quotes Donut
 An element of exaggeration clings to the popular judgment: great vices are made ... - Walter Bagehot - Quotes Donut