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Quotes by Vmvni
 هدحو يداغلا اي ريس
 كرمع بيخت... - Vmvni - Quotes Donut
 سير يا الغادي وحده.
لاعمرك تخيب... - Vmvni - Quotes Donut
 When it still Sounds like the reason voice on your head
Believe that you're stil... - Vmvni - Quotes Donut
 The Hate and pisimisme sources could be closer than love and optimism ones.
Get ... - Vmvni - Quotes Donut
 People leave and we never know whene its our time.
Death never gives no chance n... - Vmvni - Quotes Donut
 True love is the only power that is abble to make you leave your bed and start y... - Vmvni - Quotes Donut