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Terry Pratchett

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Quotes by Terry Pratchett
 Important lesson there: you don’t survive in the field by obeying all the rules,... - Terry Pratchett - Quotes Donut
 He isn't looking at the view because his past life keeps flashing in front of hi... - Terry Pratchett - Quotes Donut
 struck Mort with sudden, terrible poignancy that Death must be the loneliest cre... - Terry Pratchett - Quotes Donut
 You beat a dozen armed men single-handed?" "Oh aye, sir," said Wee Mad Arthur sl... - Terry Pratchett - Quotes Donut
 Well,’ said Tiffany, ‘there’s too much to be done and not enough people to do it... - Terry Pratchett - Quotes Donut
 Vimes felt a sudden surge of civic pride. There had to be something right about ... - Terry Pratchett - Quotes Donut
 Jeremy tried to be an interesting person. The trouble was that he was the kind o... - Terry Pratchett - Quotes Donut
 Every organization needs at least one person who knows what's going on, and why ... - Terry Pratchett - Quotes Donut
 In the beginning there was nothing, which exploded.... - Terry Pratchett - Quotes Donut