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Tanith Lee

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Quotes by Tanith Lee
 When the night burned its cloak in the sunrise...... - Tanith Lee - Quotes Donut
 The bitterness of joy lies in the knowledge that it cannot last. Nor should joy ... - Tanith Lee - Quotes Donut
 People are always the start for me... animals, when I can get into their heads, ... - Tanith Lee - Quotes Donut
 Go nowhere on a horse that fades, for your dreams will betray you.... - Tanith Lee - Quotes Donut
 Genre categories are irrelevant. I dislike them, but I do not have the casting v... - Tanith Lee - Quotes Donut
 Goddess,” he said, “I would strongly advise you to continue this journey as you ... - Tanith Lee - Quotes Donut
 hatred and jealousy must find a tongue; only the creatures which never feel thos... - Tanith Lee - Quotes Donut
 Yes, he was very dangerous, perhaps more dangerous than Vazkor, for his weapon w... - Tanith Lee - Quotes Donut
 She was what an aristocrat should be, porcelain and silk, unreachable, gracious,... - Tanith Lee - Quotes Donut