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Subhoshri Mukherjee

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Quotes by Subhoshri Mukherjee
 The older I get, I feel that time is just a parameter of inertia.... - Subhoshri Mukherjee - Quotes Donut
 You need to stop being concerned about procastination when you have a raging sto... - Subhoshri Mukherjee - Quotes Donut
 You change your profile and I gaze and interpret the hope of finding m... - Subhoshri Mukherjee - Quotes Donut
 Sometimes, I get tired after smiling .....
And you catch me as a weirdo numb.... - Subhoshri Mukherjee - Quotes Donut
 Find me in the shells because that's where the sea comes to meet me... - Subhoshri Mukherjee - Quotes Donut